Monday, September 19, 2011

Thinking of him: 50...55...64...87...113...

Aaalllllrighty. Well that was interesting and VERY nerve-wracking.
My pulse is still at 113, probably...
K, so I saw that one guy at work again today, and he wasn't supposed to be working today but he took part of the morning shift for one of the other guys. I was walking in the guard room to put something away and suddenly I SAW HIM.
Mentally, I did this: *scream, stumble backwards, fall, get up, nervously brush off, and run out the door*
Physically, I did this: *see him, jump a little, keep walking over to locker and put whatever was in my hand away*
I ended up rotating him again (i frickin wish the head guard would make it so he'd rotate ME once in a while...)
So anyway, we were out on stand, and he was on Baby Mountain, I was on chair #1, and this other girl was on corner, which, if you connected the dots between the three stands, it'd make kind of a triangle. So yeah, it was time to rotate and I was walking over to him, and of course, he was staring at me, and when I got over to him, he said "walk with me", and with Baby Mountain, if you walk around the actual water toy, the people at the other stands can't see you... so yeah, we walked around the toy, and as soon as we were out of sight, he grabbed my hand..
So I was pretty much on cloud 9 for the rest of the shift.
That's not even the best part though!
He was leaving at 12, Again, so I asked him if he was leaving right at 12 and he just said "whenever that other dude gets here." so I was hoping it wouldn't be until really close to 12 cuz my break started at 12...
Luckily, the other dude didn't get there till it was already time to rotate, and I could see the one guy still staring at me all the time, and I knew that he knew that I knew that we both wanted a hug before he left.
So I was rotated off my chair and I was on break, so I went and put my guard tube away, then went out and did a super fast lockerroom check cuz I didn't want him to leave before i got back!
So yeah, I got back on the pool deck, and waited for the other dude to take the one guy off stand and I was by the door, and as he went in the guard room, he looked at me, and I knew right then, it was true indeed. we both wanted a hug.
So I followed him back into the guard room and he glanced around, seeing there were a few people in the pro-shop, but the manager wasn't in her office, so we went in the first aid room, and when he hugged me, he actually held my waist.. usually he puts his arms around my shoulders, and I hold his waist, but today it was the opposite. It kinda freaked me out for a second, because before we hugged, his face just kept getting closer and closer to mine and I was like "oh my gosh, is gonna try to KISS me???" but he didn't, and then besides that, I was wearing a guard tank-top, and for a second when he first hugged me, his hands slid under the fabric of my guard tank, and on the skin of my shoulders, but then he stopped, thank heaven. I didn't have to pull away and tell him "no." Then I felt like there was somebody there so I pulled away anyway, and found out it was one of the swim coaches, and he was standing right outside the door, pretty much, so I walked out, and when he saw me and the one guy, he said "that's kinda awkward." so I said "what?"
Stupid answer.
The one guy was a genius and changed the subject.
I'm so bad at this stuff. The keeping it a secret stuff.
I'm trying though.
But anyway, then he had to leave, but after I was done teaching swimming lessons, I went back in the guard room and checked my phone, and he had called me!
Most of me freaked out, wondering if he was calling to say "you're awful at this." or something like that, but I called him back, and turns out he was just trying to find somebody to take his shift tomorrow because his mom surprised him with a doctor's appointment tomorrow... which also means that I don't get to work with him tomorrow.
But anyway, I told him that somebody else we work with would most likely take it for him, so I told him I'd text him her number, then I asked him what he was up to, and he was at a barbecue that he'd told me about before he left work. I was like "ooh, that's cool." then he was like "yeah, well, i gotta go. i'll see you later."
and me, being stupidly twitterpated and "not there" in my brain, said:
"see ya too."
I'm still figuratively beating myself in the head for that one. That was really stupid.
So yeah, then I didn't talk to him at all till I was at the play tonight, and I wanted to talk to him sooo bad but I didn't wanna seem overbearing or anything of the sort. So, I left my phone alone until after the play ended, then I texted him asking how the barbecue went, and he said it went good. so then I was still trying to make conversation but it felt like it got kinda awkward so I was like "i should probably let you go, unless you're gonna be up for a while and wanna talk." and he said "i'm gonna be up." so i said "ok, cool, idk when i'm going to bed, but i should soon cuz i have to wake up at 6 for work."
he said "well I want to ask you something."
and my heartbeat went from 'thump.....thump.....thump....' to 'THUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP!'
I had no idea what to say other than "ok.. ask away."
then he said
"um, nevermind..."
and my mind went
but I had a hunch that it was something involving our strange 'relationship' thingy... so I said
'? ok.." then he apologized, and I said "it's ok, don't worry about it."
but really I was just kinda saying that because now I can't stop thinking about it!!!
What was funny though, was I was still at the playhouse with one of my really good girl friends, and I was screaming to her about it and pretending to bang my head against the door, and she had just barely been asked out on a date by the guy she likes, so she was super giddy too.
After that one guy said "well i wanna ask you something" I felt my own pulse and went "dude, my pulse is racing. This is weird." then she felt my pulse and said "whoa." then i felt hers (These were all on our wrists, by the way.)
and hers was pretty fast too. So then I was like, "k, I wanna try something. Think of something depressing." so she kinda did, haha, and her pulse slowed down. then i said "ok, think about him." and her pulse sped up very quickly.
Then she did the same thing on me.
She said "think of something depressing." and I thought of the night I broke up with my ex, and remembered how awful I felt. It slowed down a lot.
then she said "now think about him."
and ohhhh my goodness....
it. sped. up.
so much that my friend actually went "whoa" and started laughing...
So yeah, that was how today went.
Great fun.

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