Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is it me?

I'm so confused, and torn up.
I don't know what's going on.
I wish I did.
Besides being stuck at work for 10 hours today, there was a  looot of crap that happened.
First thing was I thought that one guy was sick because one of my other friends asked him if he would come in and work for her and he couldn't cuz he said he felt like crap. I assumed he meant he was sick.
After I was done with my lifeguarding shift and had done my re-certification, I was sitting in the guard room and suddenly there was an emergency so that was a whole lot of fun. When it was under control, I had to leave cuz my brother was there, so I texted that one guy to ask him if he was feeling ok enough to work tomorrow. He said he was feeling ok, so I asked him if he'd had like, a stomach flu or something, and he said it was something in his brain...
I was confused.
I asked if he had a migraine.
He said no.
Then I was VERY confused.
I asked what was wrong, and he finally admitted he'd been depressed. I asked what about, and he said everything.
He wouldn't tell me more than that.

Normally, I might have been concerned, but no so much that it was eating at me, but I feel like it was because of something I said that he was depressed. The last conversation I had with him before this one was two days ago, because I'd gone over to his house to vent to him about a stupid guy (the one from my show) and we had ended up practically alone in his house, aside from his brother who was upstairs. We didn't do anything bad, but I was still wearing my lifeguard uniform and it was making me really nervous, so I decided to tell him something I hadn't told him about my relationship with Ty. I'm not gonna say what it was, but I think it made him nervous, or upset him, because after that, he stopped texting me and hasn't really responded to anything I've said until today...
So now I don't know what to think, but I'm probably gonna see him tomorrow at work, so we'll see how that goes...
I'm really nervous.

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