Thursday, September 1, 2011

New (Year's) Resolution...?

I probably should've made this resolution a loooong time ago, but I'd never really thought about it because I was "so in love," but with the wrong guy. And I'm pretty sure this is what I need to be doing - my resolution.
My cousin is getting married tomorrow to the most amazing guy, they're sooo cute together! But anyway, before she met him, she was the type of girl that was just friends with anybody and wouldn't get serious with anybody, and I mean anybody! Her soon-to-be husband even had a hard time getting her to commit. She told him several times "we should stop seeing each other," and now look, they're getting married! She was the kind of girl that was friends with everyone, but that nobody could get. I wanna be like that. I don't care if I'm hated, or if guys think it's the dumbest thing ever, because when the right guy comes along, he'll fight to get me, and not to sound cocky, I deserve the best. Every girl does though, just some are a little too tolerant, I find. That's where I was a couple weeks ago. Some guys are good, but some are better, and some are the best. That's where I'm setting my standard, and I'm not gonna settle for anything less.

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