Saturday, September 10, 2011

Girl Power!

Ooooook, tonight was probably the funnest night of my LIFE!
Aside from also being awkward and stressful and kind of irritating...
To start it off:
My dear friend who I talked to because he needed to back off of the whole "girlfriend" thing, who also said he wanted to try being friends, wasn't even civil to me tonight. I was like "hey," like normal, and he said "....evening."
You can roll your eyes. I did.
So after that I kinda just ignored his presence, since he seemed so keen to do so to me. And after that everything just went to the dogs tonight. One of our characters suddenly dropped out and we didn't have another character and the understudy who was asked to cover the bigger part suddenly threw a hissy fit and decided to go all "diva" on us. She was all "I can't do it. I don't know the songs. This is stupid, just tell the people to go home." and so on so forth. It got to the point where I actually might have punched her in the face, I was so irritated. So anyway, after all that "drama" was over,
we were gonna have a cast meeting and go over some stuff and we were all sitting there and suddenly my director comes in carrying a cake, and I see him and immediately stand up to leave but the guy who plays Pockets in the show stood up in my way and became a brick wall. It was kinda funny listening to all them being like "no, come back here, you're not leaving," actually haha it amused me.
They sang to me and we had cake, then we went over the chorus girls' songs for the show, then me and 3 of the other girls went to Wendy's after dropping off one of the guys. Probably the funnest night ever! When we were at Wendy's, we talked about date ideas, and boys we like, all the normal girl-talk haha I kinda felt weird not bein all "my boyfriend is the best" but I felt awesome being able to talk about what kind of guys I like and don't like, not withholding anything because I CAN.
It's a wonderful thing to be single.

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