Saturday, September 10, 2011

Voila! We part ways as unlikely friends

Well, I kinda have some closure on what happened with that dude from the show I'm in. We were at the show and he wouldn't even make eye contact with me so I texted him and was like "we need to talk." and he said "is this gonna make my day worse?" and I said "I would hope not."
So he came and talked to me and I asked him what the heck was up, and if we were gonna be awkward around each other, and he said he just needed time because the more he stewed over what happened between me and him, the more upset it made him, so he said I needed to give him a couple days to just let it go and then we'd be fine. I said "ok," and that was the end of that conversation. After the show was over, he texted me and said it wasn't just me. He hadn't been talking or really looking at anybody, so I asked him if he wanted to talk about anything. He said no. I guess you could say I didn't take no for an answer because I stayed after the show till no one else was there but me and him and we had a serious talk about everything. I admitted my faults, he didn't really admit anything which still makes me glad I did what I did in telling him to back off, but we had a good heart-to-heart as friends. He said he was gonna drive me to my car because I didn't have shoes but as I went around to get in the passenger seat, I stepped on a bunch of those stupid pricker weeds. It hurt. He was a gentleman and rushed over to me and took them out cuz I was leaned up against his car hardly able to stand, then I pulled some pretty sweet moves and managed to get in his car without touching the ground again. And at the end, we had a nice, awkward, friend handshake, to which after a split second, I said "this is awkward." then we hugged for a second, then I got in my car and we said goodnight and parted ways.

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