Thursday, September 8, 2011

Boys Are Stupid...Sometimes

Uuuuugh, sooo much crap going on I wanna shoot myself in the head! So, for the past 2 weeks, the guy I was talking about, the one that I work with who's going on his mission in little over a month, has been basically acting like I don't even exist! It was really frustrating but I understood why. Duh, he has a mission that he needs to get ready for. But anyway, during that 2 weeks, I kinda started to like this other guy a little bit, but he's 5 years older than me. Not only that, I noticed a few other things really fast that I knew I wouldn't like if I dated him. For one, he doesn't have a job, but he's working on that, which is good. He's got a really dirty mind, he even admitted it, and yeah, stuff like that. But anyway, since I've figured out all this stuff it's made me less attracted to him, so yeah, now I've gotta tell him that I'm not interested in being his girlfriend, even though he's been mentioning how excited he is about it for forever and it's kinda freaking me out.
That's just the beginning though.
So, the guy I work with, who was pretending I didn't exist, suddenly decided to talk to me and stuff today. At work, we had the same shift, and there were only 4 lifeguards, and I caught him staring at me sooo many times! It was driving me nuts! I'm like "dude, make up your mind!"
So then after work, I had changed into my workout clothes cuz I was gonna go exercise and it ended up just being me and him in the guard room. We were standing in front of the white board probably 3 or 4 feet apart, and he took a step sideways so he was standing literally right next to me, and I kinda gave him this weird look like "what are you doing?" and walked over to the table to put my water bottle down.
After which we continued to pace around the guard room awkward-style.
So then he was over by his locker and I needed to put my phone in mine and as I walked by him he suddenly stuck his arm out and stopped me.
brief moment of shock and confusion right there
He held out his arms for a hug so I gave him one, but he didn't let go, and when he did he kinda grabbed my hand and I pulled it away and put my phone in my locker (which I was trying to do in the first place.) He had walked into the first aid room and I followed him and he gave me another hug, and I was like "is this even allowed?"
Missionary Protocol or whatever
He said "no."
So I said "Then why?"
He shrugged his shoulders. Then I made him let go.
When he had to take off, I had to stay stuck at work until almost 6 o'clock, so then I texted him and he actually responded, and I told him I was amazed cuz of how he acted for those couple weeks. I told him that. He said he was kinda ignoring me, but now he was over it and said "we can control it now, ya?"
So I decided to be a grown up, righteous woman.
It sucked.
I said "I don't think it'd be a good idea for us to start anything when there's only a month left till your mission. It'll save us a lot of heartache if we just let it be and you can focus on what you need to be doing to get ready."
I'm still not exactly sure how he reacted to it...we'll find out, I guess.
But yeah, now I have to worry about his other guy who's pretty much ready to lead me to the altar, and I have to be like "back off dude" although in a much nicer way. We'll see how that goes too.
Oh, and just a little side-note, I turned 18 today.

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